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- - 1890 Census Special Schedule - -

This is the 1890 Census Special Schedule for Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, etc. for Crow Wing County, Minnesota.

The Minnesota Special Schedule is reproduced on rolls 22-25. Crow Wing county is found on roll 24.

When all information is filled in, this special census schedule will give name, rank, company, regiment or vessel, date of enrollment, date of discharge, and length of service, post office, and disability as well as remarks.

Transcribed by Lucille Kirkeby and published in Heir Mail (Crow Wing County Genealogical Society newsletter).

  Name    Company, Regiment, or Vessel
= A =
Abbott, Hiram Co. C, 27th Iowa Inf.
Adams, Elijah Co. K, 157th N.Y. Inf.
Aitkin, Roger (no information)
Alexander, James Co. C, 99th Ill. Inf.
Alexander, Thomas fireman, Sacramento Man of War
Archibald, David 2nd Minn. Co.
Archibald, Robert Co. B, Hatches Bat.
= B =
Bartlett, John F. Co. B, 1st Maine Art.
Beckman, Samuel Co. I, 3 Iowa Cav.
Beaths or Reaths 1st Minn.
Benson, Robert A. Co. A, 9th Minn. Inf.
Biesacker, Wm Co. A, 20th Wisc, V. Inf.
Bordern, James Co. E, 55th Ind. Inf. &
Co. E, 1st Minn. Art.
Boulouc, Joseph Co. B, Minn. Cav.
Boyle, John W. Co. G, 2nd N.J. Cav. &
Co. K, 22nd N. J. Cav.
Brown, Marsden Co. D, 63rd Pa Inf.
Burns, James Co. F, 127th N.Y. Inf.
Bush, Stephen Co. A, 16th N.Y. Lt.Art.
= C =
Canfield, Geo. S. Co. K, 21st Ohio Inf.
Carlyle, James M. (no information)
Carr, Isaac D. Co. D, 6th Minn. Vol.
Chase, N. B. Co. I, 22nd (Maine or Minn.)
Chrenohivch, Henry O.Co. D, 7th Minn. Inf.
Chrysler, James S. Co. M, 1st Minn. H. Art.
Claflin, Albert B. (no information)
Clark, David Co. E, 6th Maine
Clark, John J. Co. D, 8th N.Y. Cav.
Coburn, Peter Co. A, 7th Minn. Inf.
Coffen, Robert B, Co. D, 6th __Vol.
Cole, Alonzo Co. E, N.Y. Inf.
Colman, Charles Co. D, 6th Wisc. Vol.
Conant, John B. Co. G, 21st Iowa Vol. Inf.
Congdon, John A. Co. F, 86th N. Y.
Cook, Isaac W. Co. F, 20th Ind. Inf.
Cooley, Loren Co. G, 1st Ohio L. Art.
Craig, David R. Co. E, 10th PA R. Cav.
Cragg, Harry P. Co. L, 4th Iowa Cav.
= D =
Davenport, Paul D. Co. D, 1st Minn. Mt. Rang.
Davis, Henry Co. A, Inf. Bat, Minn. Cav.
Dean, Isaac F. (no information)
Dinwiddie, Clark Co. G, 1st Wisc. H. Art.
Dolph, Allen Co. E, 12th Mich. Inf.
Drake, David W. Co. M, 14th N.Y. Art.
Dykeman, David Co. D, 3rd N.Y. Cav.
= E =
Early, Peter 2nd U.S. Cav.
Eastman, Oliver O. Bat. L, 7th Mich. L. Art.
Edwards, Olney Co. D, 29th Wisc. Inf.
Endrickson, Wm. E. (no information)
English, Samule Co. G, 1st. N. J. Inf.
Erath, Albert Co. E, 8th Minn. Vol.
Erskine, Thomas Co. I, 75th Ohio Inf.
Etsel, Jacob Co. H, 213th PA Inf.
= F =
Fassett, Luscius Co. A, 1st Iowa Cav.
Felix, Priest 8th Minn.
French, Edward Co. G, 5th Minn. Inf.
Frizzel, Orange S. Co. G, 48th Wisc. Vol Inf.
= G =
Gabiou, John D. Co. G, 19th Inf.
Garrison, Oscar E. MN Mt. Rangers
Getchell, Co. D, 17 Maine Inf.
Gibson, Byron T. Co. A, 14th Wisc. Inf.
Gibson, John H. Co. K, 100th NY Inf.
Gleason, Emmet A. Co. ?, 1st MN Art.
Glidden, Charles O. Co. F, 8th Mn Inf.
Goodell, Louis Co. I, 11th Vert. Inf.
Goodman, James Co. D, 17th __ Inf.
Gordon, William Co. B, 2nd Wisc. Cav.
Gorst, Richard Co. C, 31st Maine Inf.
Grant, Chester Co. D, 10th Mich Inf.
Greue, Silas W. Co. E, 154th Pa., Inf.
= H =
Hagadorn, Henry J. Co. H, 7th MN Inf.
Hamon, William Co. A, 1st Maine Art.
Harrison, Henry Co. F, 2nd Pa., H. Art.
Hartman, John Co. A, 37th Wisc., Inf.
Halsted, Uriah W Co. D, W.Va, Cav.
Hastings, Geo. C. Co. J, 2nd Bat. MN L. Art.
Hatton, Edmund (no information)
Hausen, Lars (see Howe, Lars H.)
Hepburn, James P. Co. L, 16th Pa. Cav.
Hill, Henry S. Co. I, Bat. 2, MN L. Art.
Hitt, Samuel B. 1st MN
Hockridge, Sidney Co. A, 34th N.Y. Inf.
Hoefer, Phillip J. US soldier
Howard, G.A. Co. G, 1st Wisc. Cav.
Howe, Lars H. Co. G, 3rd Wisc. Vol.
Hulett, Elain Co. E, 2nd Wisc. Cav.
Hundley, John Co. A, 7th Ill. Vol. Inf.
= I =
= J =
Jones, Edgar E. Co. B, 2nd Mn Cav.
Jordain, Geo. Co. A, 9th Mass. Inf.
= K =
Kamper, Sol. U.S.
Keaben, Nicholas Co. F, 7th Wisc. Cav.
Kenny, Michael Co. B, 9th Mn Inf.
Kent, John A. US soldier
Kneiff, Henry 6th Mn Vols.
Kramer, ______ Co. B, 25th Conn. Inf.
Kramer, ______ Co. K, 1st Conn. Art.
= L =
LaForest, Joseph Co. G, 33rd Ill, Inf.
Lawrence, Wm Co. E, 4th Inf. Cav.
Lease, John N. Co. A, 12th Wisc. Inf.
Lease, Nathan A. Co. G, 2nd Mn Cav.
Loake, Almon Co. D, 27th Mich. Vol.
Loomis, Isaac P. Co. J, 15th Ill. Inf.
= M =
McCarthy, John Co. B, 5th U.S. Cav.
McCormack, John C. (no information)
McDonald, George Co. I, 6th Mn Inf.
McDonald, John (no information)
McGee, Robert Co. E, 102nd NY Inf.
McKnight, John Co. C, 2nd __ Cav.
Maloney, Benjamin S. Co. D, 25th Ohio
Maloney, Michael Sailor Genesce
Mann, John Co. E, 8th Mn Inf.
Meekins, William Co. I, 11th Pa. Cav.
Mille, Christ stewart
Monroe, William E. Co. K, 1st NY L. Art.
Moore, John W. Co. E, 8th Mn Inf.
Murray, John W Co. C, 17th Wisc. Inf.
Murray, Wm. F Co. B, 17th Mich. Inf. &
Co. D, 2nd Mich. Inf.
Myers, Joseph (no information)
= N =
Nichols, Mary widow, husband not listed
Nolan, Anthony Co. K, 9th NY Cav.
= O =
O'Toole, John Co. __, 16th NY Inf.
= P =
Paine, N. W. Co. H, 111th NY
Parker, E 3rd NY
Parker, John M. Co. C or E, 12th Ill.
Patterson, William Co. I, 3rd Mich. Cav.
Phillips, Charles C. Co. B, 3rd Conn. Inf.
Phillips, James O. Co. E, 29th Ohio Inf. (Alooma R., widow of)
Pinkham, Samuel Co. C, 9th N.H. Inf.
Pointon, Alonzo Co. I, 2nd Mass. Inf. &
Co. H, 1st Mass. Art.
Pointon, Marcus M. Co. C, 10th Kans.
Priest, Felix 8th Mn
= Q =
= R =
Rardin, Samuel Co. F, 27th Iowa Inf.
Reuss, Chas. A. Co. K, 3rd M__ Vol.
Richardson, Edward R.Co. A, 104th Ill. Inf.
Roberts, William P. Co. K, 57th Ill.
Robinson, Daniel M. Co. C, 4th Vt. Inf.
Robinson, George Co. _7th Ill. Vol.
Rogers, Henry Co. A, 9th Mich. Inf.
Ross, Charles Co. K, 2nd Iowa Cav.
Rounds, Asa Co. K, 49th NY Inf.
= S =
Scott, Hiram Co. C, 74th Ill. Vol.
Searles, Samuel W. Co. K, 23rd NY Vol.
Searles, Samuel W. Co. L, NY Cav.
Searfors, R. L Co. C, 143rd PA Inf. Vol.
Seavey, N. D. Co. D, 1st NY Art.
Seeley, Wm E. Co. A, 8th Minn.
Sharp, Morris Co. B, 116th PA
Shontell, William Co. E, 8th VA Inf.
Sleeper, Chaucy B. Co. H, 145th NY Inf.
Smiley, David W. Co. C, 12th Ind. Cav.
Smith, Joel gunboat Seneca - coal handler
Smith, Thomas E. Co. H, 26th NY Cav.
Snell, Christopher Co. D, 4th Vt. Inf.
Spaulding, C. L. Co. C, 18th NY Inf.
Stearns, John J. Co. G, 8th Minn/Me Inf.
Stivers, Henry Co. A, 9th Minn. Inf.
Stoops, Thomas D. Co. F, 2nd Minn. Inf
Stowe, James Co. F, 10th Mass. Inf.
Stratton, Grass Co. I, 11th Maine
Sturgeon, Robert (no information)
Swart, Charles M. bugler Co. D, 3 NY Cav. &
bugler Co. G, 4 NY Cav.
Swisher, Jonathan Co. D, 7th IowaInd. Cav.
Sylvester, Celestain Co. H, 10Vt. Inf.
= T =
Tatro, Benjamin Co. G, 2nd Minn. Inf.
Thompson, Charles Co. H, 145th PA. Vol.
Tifft, Joseph Co. B, 2nd Minn. Cav.
Tomlinson, James Co. H, 12th Mich. Inf.
Toohey, Michael Co. C, 54th Ill. Inf.
Troxil, Christopher Co. H, 7th Minn. Inf.
Troxil, William Co. H, 7th Minn. Inf.
Tuffs, Robert 13th ____ Art.
= U =
= V =
Vargo, John U. (no information)
= W =
Walch, John Co. C, 13th Iowa Inf.
Walker, James A. Co. D, 40th Mass.
Ward, Nelson Co. K, Ill. Cav.
Warren, Abel F. Co. H, 38th Iowa Inf.
White, Edward Co. A, 1st Minn. Mt. Rangers
White, Edward Co. D, 2nd Maine or Mn Cav.
Whitford, Daneil W. Harness maker, 7th Wisc.
Whitney, Augustus E. Co. D, 4th Minn. Inf.
Whitney, Jacob N. Co. F, 7th Ill. Cav.
Williams, Thomas R. Co. A, 51st Wisc. Vol.
Williams, William M. Co. B, 20th Ky. Vol.
Willis, Theodore Co. G, 23rd Wisc. Inf.
Wilson, James A. Co. C, 86th Ohio
Wilson, James E. Co. C, 72nd Ill.
Walfater, Andrew (no information)
Wood, James R. Co. A, 2nd NY Cav.
Wooster, Eunice A. (no information)
= X =
= Y =
= Z =

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