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- - Marriages: St. Francis Assisi 1852-1870 - -

St. Francis Assisi
at Old Crow Wing
Marriages - 1852-1870

By Earl C. Leslie

      The author has transcribed, as faithfully as possible, the Marriage Register of the Church of St. Francis Assisi at old Crow Wing. The original is in the handwriting of Father Francis X. Pierz, the early Catholic missionary. When Father Pierz began to lose his eyesight, his penmanship deteriorated.

Date of Marriage  Name of Groom and Bride
Aug.  15, 1852.   Joseph Canoret and Magdalene Belanger.
Dec.   6, 1852.   Antonius Blanc and Isabella Kraasl.(?)

Dec.   8, 1853.   Jean B. Deche and Elizabeth Katahinas.

Jan.   8, 1854.   Joseph Brune and Katherine Roy.
June   2, 1854.   William Behmen and Kristina Ninengarden.
June  13, 1854.   Pierre Belanger and Katherine Aiandabik.
June  19, 1854.   Louis Nehec (?) and Marian Pitemckare.
June  19, 1854.   Francis Natawe and Margaret Wawaskeche.
July  20, 1854.   Jean Branchaud and Arcange Bisson.
Aug.  10, 1854.   Jean B. Chouinard and Adeline Houle.
Nov.   3, 1854.   Pierre Roy and Philomene Choumard.

May   20, 1855.   Nicholas LaKobe and Anna Kirsch.

Mar.  23, 1856.   Jacob Kelly and Katherine Hannigan.
June  22, 1856.   Jordan Martineau and Marie Heroux.
Aug.  19, 1856.   Louis Choumard and Julienne Hebert.

Apr.  13, 1857.   William Berthier and Maria Tessan.
Apr.  13, 1857.   John Johnson and Helen Meandi.
June  29, 1857.   Francis LeDoux and Marie Hamlin.

Apr.   5, 1858.   Anton Bensand and Marie Kehwetrikwe.

Nov.  15, 1860.   Theodore Echte and Delphine Tenore.
Nov.  20, 1860.   Osias Roy and Philoine-ne LeDoux.

Jan.  26, 1861.   Joseph Pelehan and Marie Roy.
Feb.  12, 1861.   Floricen Leme and Marguerite Cardinal.
Mar.   9, 1861.   Jean B. Roy and Marie Belanger.
June  10, 1861.   Michael Heroux and Marguerite LeDoux.
June  10, 1861.   Joseph Doucette and Julie Heroux.
June  14, 1861.   Jean B. Belisnot (?) and Marie Doucette.
Sept.  1, 1861.   Heber Sanctuaire and Catherine McDonald.
Oct.  17, 1861.   George Maste and Nancy Gegonebens.
Oct.  24, 1861.   John Telen and Anna Walsh.
Oct   27, 1861.   Peter Bastien and Jocelyn Forrier.
Nov.   3, 1861.   Albert Fairbanks and Catherine Dufort.
Nov.  15, 1861.   John McCarthy and Susan Dufort.
Dec.   1, 1861.   Louis Brune and Angelica Roy.
Dec.   2, 1861.   Joseph Boijole Degree and Rosalie Houle.
Dec.   2, 1861.   Leon. Boijole Degree and Marie Houle.
Dec.   3, 1861.   Jean Robideaux and Catherine Canole. (?)

Jan.  29, 1862.   Narcisse Gravelle and Exilda Choumard.
Feb.   3, 1862.   Antoine Baril and Odilie Charticur.
July  20, 1862.   Joseph Essilan and Marie Jawanokwe. (?)

Feb.  22, 1863.   Peter Piquot and Philomene Chartier.

Jan.  21, 1864.   Michael LaGarde and Emilie Dubois.
Mar.   1, 1864.   George Morrison and Margaret Fairbanks.
July  23, 1864.   Jean Wemi (?) and Naney Ogabe.
Nov.   5, 1864.   Flavian Lemay and Asare          

Aug.  20, 1865.   Jean Leveque and Matilda McGillis.
Nov.  12, 1865.   Clement Fairbanks and Marie Cheboic.

Feb.   4, 1866.   August Belanger and Josephine Brune.
Feb.   4, 1866.   (?????????) Belan and Marguerite Roy.
Nov.   4, 1866.   Ambrosius Montreuil and Isabelle Brunette.
Nov.   4, 1866.   Antoine Montreuji and Josette Brunette.

Mar.  (?) 1867.   Basil Jordan and Maria (????????)
Apr.   9, 1867.   Joseph Parrant and Maria Marchand.
Aug.  11, 1867.   Robert Forelian (?) and Sophia Colombe. (?)
Nov.   3, 1867.   Jean Dufort and Susanna Montreuil.

July   3, 1868.   Francis Roy and Sophia Fairbanks.

June   8, 1869.   Jean Roy and Anna Sagi. (?)
Aug.  27, 1869.   John McDonald and Tenoie Kundor.
Sept. 29, 1869.   Bernard Noss and Marie Engler.

June   7, 1870.   Peter Bess and Lucia Shusti-. (?)
May   31, 1870.   Louis Charet and Charlotte Brune

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