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- - Civil War Veteran Burials - -

      This is a list of veterans of the Civil War that are buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Brainerd, Minnesota. There is a separate page for Civil War Veterans Not Buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

      This information is compiled from numerous lists found in old newspapers and other sources such as the Crow Wing County Historical Society and the Evergreen Cemetery Association. GAR records are not available since the GAR Hall burned. After the fire, the GAR put out a call for individuals to help compile a list of Civil War soldiers buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

      Where available the company and regiment are given. Some soldiers may have served in several units. This information is not always given.

      For various reasons, all Civil War soldiers may not be listed. Newspaper lists published just prior to Memorial Day each year mentioned unknown graves as well as soldiers for whom there was no record.

      If no military unit information is available, the cemetery lot and block are given. There are about 13 persons who may or may not be buried in Evergreen. Lists say they are, but the cemetery has no conclusive record. These are listed as "no record."

      For more information on any of these burials contact:

Evergreen Cemetery Association
1105 NE 3rd St
Brainerd, MN 56401

      Most of these burials can be found in the online Directory of the Dead at the Evergreen Cemetery Association website.

      Compiled by Lucille Kirkeby and published in Heir Mail (Crow Wing County Genealogical Society newsletter).

  Name    Service Info or Burial Info
= A =
Abear, Triffle Co. I, 7th Minn. Vol. Inf.
Abbott, Hiram Co. C, 27th Iowa Cav.
Adair, Washington Co. K, 87th Ind. Vol.
Archer, G. N. Co. F, 44th Wisc. Inf.
Austin, Robert B. Co. G, 47th Wisc. Inf.
Avery, Clarence Lee Co. D, 11th Minn. Vol.
= B =
Bacon, Asa G. Co. C, 36th N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Baine, I. H. Co. B, 52nd Ill. Vol. Inf.
Bandy, J. O. Co. K or R, 1st Minn. H. Art.
Barclay, George Angus Co. A, 9th Minn. Inf.
Bardine, Samuel 27th Iowa Inf.
Barnes, French Co. E, 148th Ill. Inf.
Bradfield, W. H. U.S. Navy
Barker, Thos. Co. G, 5th Vermont
Barr, Chas. A. Co. R or K, 13th U.S. Vol. Inf.
Belongy, Alex Co. E, 3rd Ill. Cav.
Britton, James W. Co. E or F, 3rd Minn. Vol. Inf.
Britton, Joseph W./M Co. F, 3rd Minn. Vol. Inf.
Britton, Thomas Co. E, 3rd Minn. Inf.
Burns, Dr. J. F. 127th N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Bush, Stephen (Corp.) Co. A, 16th N.Y. Lt. Art.
= C =
Chase, Napoleon B. Co. I, 22nd Maine Vol. Inf.
Cheney, J. C. Co. A, 50th N.Y. Vol.
Clark, David Co. B, 6th Maine Vol. Inf.
Clary, David Co. B, 6th Maine Inf.
Claus, David (no record)
Claus, J. S. Co. E, 28th N.Y. Inf.
Conant, John B. Co. G, 21st Iowa Vol. Inf.
Congdon, John C. Co. F, 86th N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Co. I, 1st Rgt. VRc
Coventry, Albert C. (block 8, lot 26)
Craig, D. R. Co. E, 10th Pa. Reserves
Creamer, Geo. Co. G, 2nd N.Y. Cav.
= D =
Davenport, Paul Co. D, 1st Minn. Mt. Rangers
Davis, Henry Co. A, In. Bat. Minn. Vol.
Dean, Isaac T. Co. G, 1st Va. Inf. (or W.Va)
Dean, J. F. (no record)
Dean, William Co. E, 1st Minn. Art.
Donovan, Giles O. Wisc. 128th Inf.
Douglas, James F. (no record)
Dressen, H. 10th U. S. Inf.
= E =
Early, Peter Co. L, 22nd U.S. Cav.
Edwards, Olney Co. _, 29th Wisc. Inf.
Entrikin, W. E. Co. H, 31st Wisc. Inf.
Erath, F. (no record)
Erickson, Robert L. (no record)
Etsel, Jacob Co. E, 212th Penn. Vol. Inf.
= F =
Fenstermacher, Elias 2nd Minn. Vol. Art.
Flugge, Edward D. Co. F, 9th Minn. Vol. Inf.
Fox, Albert Co. D, 25th Mich. Art.
Co. A, 25th Mich. Inf.
Frazer, Henry Co. E, 4th Mich. Inf.
French, Ed. R. Co. L or I, Minn. Vol. Inf.
French, A. R. Co. L or I, Minn. Vol. Inf.
Fuller, Rev. George E. 1st R.I. Lt. Art.
= G =
Gabiou, John D. Co. E, 19th Mich. Vol. Inf.
Gilpatrick, W. F. 2nd Mn. Light Art.
Goodell, Louis (block 6, lot 28)
Gorst, John Co. A, 13th Maine Inf.
Greves, Charles (block 4, lot 86)
= H =
Hagadorn, Henry J. Co. H, 7th Minn. Inf.
Hastings, George C. Co. D, 142nd. N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Healy, George W. Co. B, 6th N.H. Vol. Inf.
Heath, N. G. Co. G, 3rd Vermont Vol. Inf.
Hockridge, Sidney Co. A, 34th N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Howard, J. W. Co. E, 24th/34th Mass. Vol. Inf.
Hill, Webster Whiting B. Co. C, 28th Maine Inf.
Hitt, Samuel B. 1st Minn.
Hundley, J. R. Co. A, 7th Ill. Vol. Inf.
= I =
Ingersoll, Herman G. Co. K, 18th Wisc. Vol. Inf.
= J =
= K =
Kearney, P. (no record)
Kelley, I. W. Co. K, 25th Wisc. Vol. Inf.
Kenney, Frank E. Co. G, 8th Minn. Inf.
Kramer, Sgt. Fred W. Co. K, 1st Conn. H. Art.
= L =
Lasher, Peter B. Co. I, 40th Wisc. Inf.
Laurel, Charles Co. H, 14th Vermont Vol. Inf.
Lawrence, D. W. Co. E, 4th Ind. Cav.
Lawrence, Wm Co. E, 4th Ind. Cav.
Leach, Albert Co. E, 5th Minn. Vol. Inf.
Leeper, John M. Co. H, 26th Iowa Vol. Inf.
Leesey, Paul Co. E, Hatches Cav, 4th Ind.
Loomis, Samuel Co. J, 15th Ill. Inf.
Luther, Frank N.Y. Art.
= M =
McDonald, John 2nd N.J. Cav.
Mallory, Benjamin S. (Corp.)12th/120th Ohio Art.
Maloney, James M. (no record)
Maloney, Michael Co. K, 11th Minn. Inf.
Mann, John W. Co. E, 8th Minn. Vol. Inf.
Mantzer/Meintzer, Wm Co. H, 12th W.Va. Inf.
Martin, John W. Co. F, 11th Pa. Cav.
Martin, William 12th Wisc. Inf.
Martineau, Nelson Co. D, 2nd Minn. Inf.
Meekins, Wm Co. I. 11th Pa. Cav.
Miller, Charles F. Co. D, 10th Minn. Inf.
Miller, E. F. (no record)
Miller, Christian Steward U.S. Navy
Monroe, W. E. Co. K, 1st N.Y.
Moses, Lewis S. Co. F, 9th Minn. Inf.
Murphy, Patrick H. Co. D, 169th N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Murray, Patrick H. Co. D, 15th N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Murray, W. F. Co. B, 17th Mich. Vol. Inf.
= N =
Nolan, Anthony Co. K, 9th N.Y. Cav.
= O =
= P =
Paine, J. H. Co. B, 52nd, Ill. Inf.
Paine, Newton M. Co. H, 111th N.Y.
Peterson, Peter E. Co. B, 49th Wisc. Vol. Inf.
Phillips, C. C. Co. F, 26th Conn. Vol. Inf.
Phillips, Joshua O. Co. E, 29th Ohio Vol. Inf.
Potvin, Israel Co. E, 11th Minn. Inf.
= Q =
= R =
Rardin, Samuel Co. F, 27th Iowa Vol. Inf.
Reuss, Chas. A. Co. K, 3rd MO, Vol. Inf.
Co. F, 3rd Maine Inf.
Richie, Henry Co. A, 10th Minn. Vol. Inf.
Rider, A. E. 1st Minn.
Roberts, John Wesley Co. E, 125th Ill. Vol. Inf.
Roberts, William Co. B, 2nd Minn. Cav.
Robinson, D. M. Co. C, 4th Vermont Inf.
Rogers, Henry (block 8, lot 3)
Rowell, G. W. (block 14, lot 66)
Russell, Henry Harrison 5th U.S. Art.
= S =
Saunders, Hiram (Corp.) Co. I/J, 7th Minn. Inf.
Shank, Sam P. U.S. Navy Ship Unity
Shannahan, Daniel Co. H, 20th Mass. Vol. Inf.
Shattuck, R. P. Co. D, 2nd PA, Cav.
Shockley, David Co. H, Ohio Art.
Shupe, William (no record)
Sleeper, Chauncy B. Co. H. 145th N.Y. Inf.
Smiley, David W. Co. E/C 13th Ind. Cav.
Smith, Joel Navy Gunboat Seneca (Coal heaver)
Smith, Justin Co. B, 19th N.Y. Cav.
Smith, Luke (no record)
Smith, Thos. E. Co. H, 26th N.Y. Cav.
Snell, Christoper M. Co. D, 4th Vermont Inf.
Spaulding, Wm P. (Capt.) Co. I, 5th Vermont Inf.
Spencer, John A. Co. I, 3rd Wisc. Cav.
Stearns, John Johnson Co. G, 8th Minn. Vol.
Stickney, Wm E. (no record)
Sutton, Alva (no record)
Sylvester, Celestain Co. F, 10th N.Y. Inf.
= T =
Tiftt, Joseph Co. E/B, 2nd Minn. Inf.
Titus, Wm H. 5th Wisc. Lt. Art. Battery
Toohey, Martin Co. C, 54th Ill. Vol. Inf.
= U =
= V =
Van Arsdale, Washington Co. D, 28th/39th N.Y. Vol. Inf.
Veon, Andrew E. Co. C, 2nd/29th/1st Wisc. Inf.
= W =
Walter, John (block 12, lot 80)
Wautzer, Wm Co. H, 12th W.Va. Vol. Inf.
Wheeler, Charles C. Co. H, 3rd N.Y. Cav.
White, James Edward Co. A, 1st Minn. Mt. Rang.
Whitford, Dan W. 7th Wisc. H. Art. (Harness maker)
Whitney, Augustus E. Co. D, 4th Minn. Art.
Whitney, George W. Co. E, 1st Maine Cav.
Wohlfater/Wolfather, Andrew 45th Wisc. Inf.
Wilkins, Christopher G. Co. I, 7th Minn. Vol. Inf.
Wilson, James A. Co. C, 86th Ohio Inf.
Wilson, John (no record)
Wilson, Joseph E. 72nd Ill. Inf.
Wilson, Josephine Gorman (no lot and block avail)
Wilson, Thomas Henry Co. F, 101st Ill. Inf.
= X =
= Y =
= Z =

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