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- - Civil War Veteran Burials 2 - -

      This is a list of Civil War veterans who lived in Crow Wing County but were not buried in Evergreen, the Brainerd city cemetery. There is a separate page for Civil War Veterans Buried in Evergreen Cemetery.

      Most were buried in small cemeteries scattered through out the county. A few were buried outside the county because they spent their last years of life with relatives who buried them close to where the relatives lived. Since many came from other states, they might have been buried in the ancestral lot back home.

      Several were removed from what is now an abandoned cemetery, the one at Old Crow Wing. At one time the cemetery was completely neglected. That area is now a state park, so what remains of the cemetery is protected.

      Where available the company and regiment are given. Some soldiers may have served in several units. This information is not always given.

      For various reasons, all Civil War soldiers may not be listed. Newspaper lists published just prior to Memorial Day each year mentioned unknown graves as well as soldiers for whom there was no record.

      Compiled by Lucille Kirkeby and published in Heir Mail (Crow Wing County Genealogical Society newsletter).

H. Art. = heavy artillery
L. Art. = light artillery
Cemetery Locations:
Bennetteville — Aitkin Co.
Carroll — Dean Lake Twsp.
Dykeman — Garrison
Gil Gal — Cass. Co.
Greenwood — Nisswa
Gull River — Cass Co.
Lakewood — Crosby
Norwood — Jenkins
Oakland — Crow Wing Twsp.
Pequot Lks. — Sibley Twsp.
Pillager, Old Cem. — Pillager
Pine Knoll — Dean Lake Twsp.
Pine Ridge — Emily
Pine Tree — Daggett Brook
Pinewood — Crosslake
Ross Lake
Scandia — Deerwood
Sylvan — Cass. Co.
Vaale — Maple Grove Twsp.
Wildwood — Pillager

      Many of these burials may be listed in the online transcription of "Cemetery Records of Crow Wing County, Minnesota", a book published in 1982 by Earl and Laura Leslie.

  Name    Service Info    Burial Info
= A =
Adrian, Peter Co. C, 6th Wisc. Inf. Pinewood
Aitkin, Salem Co. G, 9th Minn. Inf. (Transferred from Old Crow Wing to Rock Island, Ill.)
Alexander, J. S. Co. C, 99th Ill. Inf. Ft. Ripley
Allen, Hugh Co. F, 42nd Wisc. Inf. Pinewood
Allen, James H. Co. F, 42nd Wisc. Inf. Watertown
Archibald, David 2nd Minn. Vol. SharpshootersBay Lake
Archibald, Robert Co. B, Hatch's Bat. Bay Lake
Atwater, James 1st. Minn. Bat. D Emily
= B =
Barber, H. P. Co. C, 1st Ohio Inf. Deerwood
Barber, Henry T Co. C, 91st Ohio Scandia
Beckman, S. M. Co. I, 3rd Iowa Cav. Norwood
Bedore, Charles B. Lake Edward
Bennett, L. B. Pillager
Benton, Levi A. 21st Iowa Inf. &
55th Ind. Inf.
Blood, Samuel 7th Minn. Inf. Ft. Ripley
Borden, James C. Co. E, 1st Minn. H. Art. Mission Lake
Boyle, James 24th Wisc. Portage Lake, WI
Brady, John J. (Location not known, could be Evergreen)
Brannon, Wm Theodore 1st Minn., H. Art. Clearwater, MN
Buchite, John Pine Ridge, Emily
Butler, Thomas Grant Co. E, 8th Wisc. Vol. Inf.Pequot Lakes
= C =
Canfield, Myron Co. F, Wisc. Cav. &
Co. I, 16th Wisc. Vol. Inf.
Little Falls
Capistrant, Remi Anthony Co. H, 8th Minn. St. Mathias Catholic
Cate, Freman Augustus Lake Edward
Chrysler, James H. 1st. Minn. H. Art. Dykeman
Chrysler, James Steven Co. M, 1st Minn. H. Art. Dykeman
Clark, William Co. G, 48th Wisc. Vol. Inf.(Living in Crosby 1938, buried in Randall
Coffin, Robert B. Co. D, 6th Maine Deerwood/ Scandia
Coffin, William P. 13th Reg. Ind. Cav. Lakewood in Crosby
Collins, Norman Sylvan
Cunningham, Joseph Co. H, 206th Penn. Inf. Gull River
= D =
Day, Frances Ross Lake
De Laittre, W. F. Co. I, 7th Maine Inf. Bay Lake
Dinwiddie, George Co. G, 1st Wisc. H. Art. Garrison
Drake, James C. Co. G, 17th Iowa Inf. Lakewood in Crosby
Dufour, John B. Co. C, 4th Minn. Inf. Vol.(Died at White Earth)
= E =
Eastman, James P. Co. H, 39th Ill. Inf. Lakewood in Crosby
English, Samuel Co. G, 33rd Ill. Inf. (Died Mpls. 2 June 1893 Sol. Home)
Erath ,Albert Co. E, 8th Minn. Inf. Bay Lake
= F =
Ferguson, Chauncey Co. K, 20th Wisc. Inf. Pequot Lakes
Flanders, Richard Emily
Flansburgh, J. F. Co. H, 2nd Vol. Cav. Oak Hill
Flansburgh, William Oak Hill
Flint, Isaac H. Co F, 38th Ind. Inf. Bay Lake
= G =
Gardner, James K. Co. H, 9th Vt. Inf. Oakland
Gardner, Levi C. Co. H, 9th Vt. Inf. Oakland
Garrard, Robert Co. H, 6th Minn. Inf. Norwood
Gilbert, Rufus Co. I, 60th Ohio Inf. Gull River
Gillette, Hershall Dean Lake
Glidden, S. S. 6th Minn. Cav. Bennetville
Goldberry, Henry Co. F, 49th Ind. Inf. Pequot Lakes
Gordon, Edward Co. D, 4th Minn.
Green, Frank Gull River
= H =
Hall, Alexander Co. D, 8th Minn. (Living in Brainerd 1939)
Hall, Wm George, Sr. 1st Tenn.
Harrison, Joseph Co. I, 2nd Minn. Inf. Emily/Pine Ridge
Hartman, John Ft. Ripley Twsp, Sec.3 NE/NE, yard of his home
Hendrickson, Eiler 30th Wisc. Vol. Inf. Scandia
Hill, William H. Co. F, 3rd Wisc. Cav. Garrison
Howard, John L. Co. E, 91st Iowa Inf. Nokay Lake
Howe, Lars H. Co. G, 3rd Wisc. Deerwood/Scandia
Houston, John Pine Ridge
Hugh, Allen James Watertown
Hunt, George A. Co. D, 1st Wisc. Cav. Bay Lake
= I =
= J =
Johnson, Geo. Co. D, 4th Minn. Minneapolis, MN
Jourdan, Eustach Co. G, 9th Minn. Inf. (Transferred from Old Crow Wing to Rock Island, Ill.)
= K =
Kimball, Albert Tracy Co. D, 4th Minn. Oakland in Little Falls
Kimball, Edward W. Co. K, 1st Minn. H. Art. Pinewood
Kimball, Geo. G. Co. D, 4th Minn. Inf. Oakland in Little Falls
Kimball, James Freeman Co. A, 4th Minn. Inf. Oakland in Little Falls
Knieff, Henry W. 6th Minn. Vol. Bay Lake
Knowles, A. K. Co. B, 24th Maine Inf. Pillager
Kraus, Christian Lakewood in Crosby
= L =
Lamb, Thomas F. (Died in Brainerd hotel fire 1916)
Lasher, John Sylvan, Cass. Co.
Laskey, Frederick Kent. 8th Cav Lakewood in Crosby
Lease, Nathan Co. G, 2nd Minn. Cav. Pine Tree
LeFabore, Fabian Co. G, 9th Minn. Inf. (Transferred from Old Crow Wing to Rock Island, Ill.)
Lewis, John 125th U.S. C.T.D. Deerwood
Lieske, Frederick W. Lakewood in Crosby
Lizer, Edmund P. Co. G, 64th Ill. Dean Lake Twsp.
= M =
McGillis, Edward Co. C, 4th Minn. Inf. (Transferred from Old Crow Wing to Rock Island, Ill.)
McGuire, John. M Co. C, 5th Kent. Inf. Pillager
Maddock, Francis Co. K, 6th Minn. Inf. (Living in Brainerd and Oregon 1936)
Martin, Marcus Co. H, 32nd Wisc. Dykeman
Martin, S. C. Co. B, 120th Wisc. Vol. Inf.
Merrell, Truman Co. M, 2nd Minn. Cav. Vol.Bear Head Cem, Bruce Twsp., Todd Co.
Moore, Charles P. Lake Edward
Moore, Commodore P. Co. E, Hatch's Bat. Lake Edward
Moore, John G. Co. C, 19th Maine Vol. (Living in 1938)
Moore, John W. Co. E, 8th Minn. Inf. (Living in Outing 1936)
Morrison, G. A. Co. G, 7th Minn. Inf. Pine Grove
Morrison, Robert A. Co. E, 7th Minn. &
3rd Minn. L. Art.
Pine Grove
Mossier, Josiah Co. D, 124th Ohio Garrison
= N =
= O =
Olds, Simeon Co. C/G, 3rd Minn. Inf. Pequot Lakes
= P =
Parks, John Co. D, 1st Wisc. Inf. Pillager
Peak, George 4th Minn. Vol. Inf.
Phillips, Edwin Co. L, 3rd Wisc. Vol. Inf.
Phillips, John Sylvan, Cass Co.
Phillips, Seth 52nd Ill. Vol. Gull River, Cass Co.
= Q =
= R =
Rail, Case Gil Gal, Cass Co.
Randal, B. W. Pillager
Roberts, William Co. K, 52nd Ill. Inf. Bay Lake
Robinson, Daniel M. Co. E, 4th Vt. Inf.
Robinson, Daniel S. 3rd Vt. Art. Gull River, Cass Co.
Robinson, David Co. H, 56th Ill. Vol. Sauk Rapids
Robinson, DeWitt 65th Ill. Inf. Pequot Lakes
Rogers, Dr. Henry G. Co. A, 9th Minn. Inf. McGregor
Ruggles, John (Living in Superior and Deerwood 1936)
= S =
Schultze, Louis Pequot Lakes
Scott, Hiram Co. C, 7th Ill. Vol. Garrison in Scott Cem.
Shaw, John 4th Minn. Inf.
Sizer, Edward Dean Lake twsp.
Smith, John Co. K, 7th Ind. Vol. Lake George/Emily
Spohn, Abel Co. A, 5th Wisc. Inf. Oak Grove in Nokay Lake Twsp.
Spohn, E. A. 5th Wisc. Inf.
Stickney, William E. 105th Ohio Inf.
Sutton, Rev. Christopher
Co. B, 25th Wisc. Aitkin
Swisher, Jonathan Bert Co. D, 7th Ind. Cav. Vaale Cemetery, Maple Grove Twsp.
= T =
Thorp, Freeman Co. D, 2nd Ohio Cav. Thorp/Heald at Lake Hubert
Thurston, Isaac Co. G, 39th Wisc. Inf. Ft. Ripley
Tomlinson, James Co. H, 12th Mich. Inf. Oak Hill
Towl, Stillman Co. F, 92nd N.Y. Inf. Bennettville
Trescott, Erastus E. Co. D, 3rd Ohio Cav. Pine Grove
= U =
= V =
Varner, Jerome B. Co. K, 4th Iowa Inf. Garrison
= W =
Walburn, William C. Co. E, 174th Ohio Inf. Oak Grove
Walter, John Could be in Evergreen
Wasserzieher, Otto Co. I, 57th Ill. Inf. Deerwood
Wescott, Ebenezer Co. E, 17th Wisc. Lakewood in Crosby
Wecott, Morgan E. Lakewood in Crosby
Whipple, Lyman Co. C, 32nd Wisc. Inf. Sylvan, Cass Co.
Whitney, Augustus Co. I, 23rd Reg. Vol. Res.
Whitney, Jacob N. Co. F, 7th Ill. Cav. Ft. Ripley
Wright, James Emily (d. 1906)
Wood, James R. Co. H, 47th Wisc. Inf.
Co. A, 2nd NY Cav.
Oak Hill
= X =
= Y =
Young, David L. Co. K, 52nd Ill. Inf. Bay Lake
Young, George W. Co. H, 47th Wisc. Inf. Oakland
Young, Martin B. Co. G, 105th Ill. Inf. Bay Lake
= Z =

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